Andreas Gaugler, [19 Dec 2022 at 12:37:36]: I have done a white rhino cow with 2 mg etorphine 10 mg medetomidine and 20 mg azaperone this morning. The breathing was perfect and she got up so easy However, she had a fresh wound on the right side which turned to be warts ( probably papilloma ) - the was also very much skinnier than the others in her group She had a small wound a year ago on her left side which was not treated. When I took out the dart a little pus came oozing out of the dart wound. I believe that she may be heavily infected thus her poor condition and warts - what I believe to be weak immune system Treated with Excede and Kyroligo Any suggestions welcome please? In spite of her condition the HH regime worked very good with little stress on the vet Erik Verrynne, [19 Dec 2022 at 12:39:13]: Did you do her from the ground and how long did she take before going down? Andreas Gaugler, [19 Dec 2022 at 13:29:59]: Darted from a helicopter; 6 mins to slow down; 8 mins to stand; 10 mins lay down right in front of me Very good breathing while down Probably between 6 -8 years old