[06:38, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: Does anyone have WBP doses for impala for net capture? [06:52, 13/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: 10mg. Rams can go up to 15 mg [06:53, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: Iv when they are recently captured? [06:55, 13/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: Slow iv or fast im. [06:56, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: I had losses either way. I think WBP does something bad we not aware of. [06:57, 13/05/2022] Xander : Maybe the net. [07:00, 13/05/2022] Neil Parsons: Hi Alex, I’ve recently used 10 mg WBP IV plus 5 mg midazolam IV for the big rams. It worked a treat even when the males were mixed with females and other smaller rams. [07:01, 13/05/2022] Ulf Tubessing: Alex, I have not had any problems at all [07:02, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: Where they recently captured and handled out of nets? [07:02, 13/05/2022] Ulf Tubessing: They were injected immediately while still in net [07:03, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: These losses were not normal - you could that see once given, the animals developed lung oedema and struggled, but not all died. [07:05, 13/05/2022] Ulf Tubessing: Maybe this is a batch problem? I have used it literally in 1000's of animals without this problem. Cardiotoxins and then the development of capture stress? [07:08, 13/05/2022] Gary Bauer: Ulf, were yours in net, curtain bomas or net gun? [07:10, 13/05/2022] Pierre Nel: You have losses with them in nets irrespective - self-inflicted catecholamine overdose. The less handling the better. Better to chase them onto a dark truck with plastic boma with lots of branches from roof without any tranquilisation than trying to sedate them. If there is only the net option, then just accept that there will be a % of mortalities [07:21, 13/05/2022] Ulf Tubessing: Mine were mostly with a net gun and normal boma capture, and quite a lot darted. I experience no problems with any of these methods. [08:12, 13/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: How far did they run? What were the day temperatures ? [10:47, 13/05/2022] Alex Lewis: I hear you, but when I stopped giving WBP and went back to haloperidol, nothing died. [12:05, 13/05/2022] Ulf Tubessing: There may also be differences in composition between the different manufacturers. 99% of my experience is with the original WBP made in Namibia. I have seen extrapyramidal signs but never pulmonary oedema in any species