Gernot Redecker, [18 Jul 2022 at 07:53:26]: Morning. What is the latest and what is available for FIV/FeLV vaccines for cheetah? Any recommendations? Thanks Adrian Tordiffe, [18 Jul 2022 at 09:48:30]: Very few cases of FeLV ever recorded in captive cheetahs and no cases of FIV causing any clinical signs... So I am not convinced that vaccination is the way to go. Just control/vaccinate domestic cats near to cheetahs. Andreas Gaugler, [18 Jul 2022 at 14:16:24]: Adrian. Would you thus give no normal cat vaccine? Only Rabies? Henry Labuschagne, [18 Jul 2022 at 14:29:27]: l vaccinate with Design Biologix Catvax 4. It is an inactivated vaccine . And Rabies. Adrian Tordiffe, Yes, the Catvax 4 from Design Biologix (2 doses 3 to 4 weeks apart). A month or two after that you can give a normal live cat vaccine if you want.