Nel-mari Wium, [03 Aug 2022 at 21:26:08]: Hi all What is the best way to treat a pressure sore in an elephant? See the attached pictures. Rob Jackson, [04 Aug 2022 at 06:25:23]: Is it definitely a a pressure sore? Or possibly some other lesion that has been damaged? Henry Labuschagne, [04 Aug 2022 at 06:32:56]: It looks like a tissue reaction secondary to a foreign body. I would also send a sample for histopathology . I would remove all necrotic tissue and make sure there is no foreign body. Topical Tx with mastitis ointment and acriflavine in glycerine . Bossie Boshoff, [04 Aug 2022 at 06:59:41]: Make sure on the elephant there is not something like an old dart or even injection needle still in there or any other foreign body. Then also super important to go and have a look at where the animals are kept. If they are kept sleeping on hard surfaces and that is not changed you are fighting against an impossible opponent. Then treatment on elephant with these wounds are difficult if it is indeed a pressure sore, as they will lie on the area after treatment . Try and sort out the infection, antibiotic beads in the wound if it can close If there is a scar and slight bumpy area afterwards, but no infection, it is a positive outcome. Rob Jackson, [04 Aug 2022 at 07:15:03]: ✅ And lots of time