Ulf Tubessing, [23 Jan 2023 at 09:00:39]: Good morning, has any of you ever seen/treated a giraffe with uterus prolapse? If yes, any pearls of wisdom? Treat just like cow? Henry Labuschagne, [23 Jan 2023 at 11:03:14]: Treat like a cow. If uterus completely out, rather amputate than try to return. If able to return intra-pelvically, place vulva sutures to prevent recurrence. Flush with ample UGS if returned and instil povidone intra-uterine douche and pessaries. Andreas Gaugler, [23 Jan 2023 at 12:02:12]: Henry, does the bladder also sometimes prolapse with the uterus? I had a few cases in cows which made amputation extremely difficult and a challenge? Henry Labuschagne, [23 Jan 2023 at 12:19:17]: Dries. Rare but possible. Feel rectally or ultrasound to ensure bladder is not also prolapsed - this can get damaged when doing a uterine amputation. You need to empty bladder to make more space and reduce intra-pelvic pressure. When amputating, put Foleys catheter in urethra to avoid this during amputation.