Gernot Redeker, [13 Aug 2023 at 19:37:33]: Good evening, can one use perphenazine on cheetah? Thanks David Pretorius, [13 Aug 2023 at 19:50:07]: Andy or Adrian should have the answer for you. Apparently, it works very well. But check with them... Richard Burroughs: Perphenazine hydrochloride, yes. Search for dose on Adverse reactions to atipamezole reversal of medetomidine in cheetah, Bart Gazendam, [14 Nov 2022 at 18:24:56]: Hi everyone, anyone experienced rough wake up after ketamine (2.5mg/kg) and medetomidine (0.03 mg/kg) in cheetah reversed with 4 times atipamezole dose IM? (yes slightly higher than the usual 3 times, but that shouldn’t be the problem I think?) Had two younger animals today (5 Adrian Tordiffe, [14 Aug 2023 at 08:07:38]: Yes, the water-based perphenazine at 0.3mg per kg IM. It seems to take about 30 min to take effect and provides good tranquilization for 24 hrs without really affecting appetite. Peter Rogers, [14 Aug 2023 at 09:58:21]: Be careful not to reverse the medetomidine before at least 45 minutes post darting. I try to push it to an hour, but beware of spontaneous arousal. Monitor palpebral reflex very carefully. I use either yohimbine at approx. 1ml /100kg VERY SLOWLY IV together with atipamezole at approximately 2.5 times medetomidine dose IM or straight atipamezole IM at about 5 times medetomidine dose. This is mostly on captive animals though. Takeaway messages here - not to reverse medetomidine too soon because of residual ketamine effects, and give yohimbine VERY SLOWLY if you do decide to use it. Adrian Tordiffe, [14 Aug 2023 at 11:27:25]: Very good advice here Peter. I would just caution against the high atipamezole doses in very wild cheetahs. I don't think it is necessary to give more than 2 x the medetomidine mg dose and then strictly IM. The slower recovery gives the WBP time to kick in and I think causes less CNS/adrenal stimulation...