[17:25, 11/05/2022] Daniel Kriel : How effective/safe is ketamine/medetomidine combination in lions? I know it's large volumes, but I'll be able to get more than one dart into the animal. [17:48, 11/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: Niel. I only use ketamine /medetomidine in lions - it’s safe and effective You can get all you need into a 1cc dart. I just darted a lot of young adults : 4mg medetomidine plus 250mg ketamine. (medetomidine 40mg / ml = 0.1ml and ketamine 1gr plus 4ml water = 250 mg per ml.) You can go higher on ketamine but then you need to use 2 ml dart. [17:50, 11/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: I usually use 100mg ketamine for every 1mg medetomidine and use 1mg medetomidine per 40kg lion. As stated above, I used lower doses and it worked fine. [17:50, 11/05/2022] Daniel Kriel : Atipamezole afterwards? [17:51, 11/05/2022] Shaun Beverley: Wild or captive Niel? [17:51, 11/05/2022] Daniel Kriel : Captive [17:53, 11/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne: I reverse with 1ml yohimbine plus atipamezole mixture. It has 2mg atipamezole already included. I add atipamezole 10mg. I give i/m [17:54, 11/05/2022] Shaun Beverley: I give adult males 10mg medetomidine + 200mg ketamine. For adult females, I give 8 mg medetomidine + 200 mg ketamine. Reversal is with atipamezole at 2.5mg/mg medetomidine + Yohimbine at 6.25 1ml/100kg. [17:59, 11/05/2022] Daniel Kriel : Im or iv? [17:59, 11/05/2022] Shaun Beverley: IM [18:35, 11/05/2022] Gerhardus Scheepers : On adult males, I use 12mg medetomidine and 200mg ketamine. Adult female 10mg med and 150 to 170mg ketamine I reverse with yohimbine only. Male 8 ml and female 7 ml. This has always worked very well for me. [18:46, 11/05/2022] Adrian Tordiffe: These high medetomidine doses are interesting Gerhardus, because theoretically you should get receptor saturation at doses above 6 to 7 mg in an adult lion. [18:30, 11/05/2022] Rob Jackson : I still use a small amount, 25-50mg Zoletil, 5 or 6mg medetomidine, and about 150 ketamine. The Zoletil is historic and I have reduced it over the years, but it appears from the above doses to be unnecessary? [20:47, 12/05/2022] Douw Grobler: From Dr Jeremiah Pogon: Good discussion there. Done more than 40 wild lions with 300 mg ketamine and 4 mg medetomidine for adults in Kenya and it works well. You need to top up ketamine during longer procedures like wound suturing. Zoletil + medetomidine works well too, but not readily available in East Africa. Transported one in a chopper for 40 minutes with no sudden arousal despite the noise and wind ( we left chopper door open).