Andreas Gaugler, [10 Dec 2022 at 07:15:55]: Colleagues, can Excede be used in rhino at 1 ml / 30 kg? Also IM as used “off-label” in horses? I have a rhino that has been caught in wire. Nele Sabbe, [10 Dec 2022 at 07:16:59]: Yes, day 1 and day 4 to have a long acting effect Andreas Gaugler, [10 Dec 2022 at 07:18:35]: Thanks Nele. Would you put rhino in boma or re-dart to get the day 4 shot? Henry Labuschagne, [10 Dec 2022 at 07:18:37]: I use it a lot in horses, dogs, cats etc but you only get 4 days cover vs 10d in cattle .Use IM in other spp.; S/c in bovids. If I need longer antibiotics than 4 days I give a 2nd shot on day 5. Henry Labuschagne, [10 Dec 2022 at 07:32:11]: Post video when you see him One shot Excede should be enough. Nele Sabbe, [10 Dec 2022 at 15:23:31]: To be honest, I don't use Excede that much, just because of this second shot that is advised on day 4. But if the wound is that bad, it might be an option to put him in a boma. You have to consider everything: -the wound -Is it a wild rhino that might be very stressed to be put in a boma versus the advantage of an extra shot. -Is the rhino befriended with others that might be contra-indicated to separate him from -distance to boma (can you just open the boma for release or is there transport necessary). What I have done already before: give an animal the full dose of Duplocillin and as close as possible to the wound an 'infiltration' IM of a few ml Nuflor. I see nice results that way. I have used full dose of nuflor as well on rhino, but it is huge amount to give. I've never seen side-effects with Nuflor but if I remember, colic is a possibility. And I know not everybody is in favour of doramectin in rhino, but with wounds, it really helps tremendously to prevent/kill maggots. HO Reuter, [10 Dec 2022 at 16:15:45]: Hi Andreas, Even with quite deep and badly infected snare wounds with removing wire and all foreign bodies, really good washing, cleaning and topical disinfectant/ antibiotic and one shot of systemic antibiotic (Excede, Nuflor or Duplocillin) wounds heal remarkably well, even without follow up treatment. I’ve had a few that I wanted to treat again, but improved so much in 4 days that we left it to granulate and heal over time. Henry Labuschagne, [10 Dec 2022 at 21:00:42]: Agree H.O. The equine purists reckon Duplocillin only gives therapeutic levels of antibiotics for 24 hrs. I also use it q 24 hrs in horses and q 48 hrs in cattle. I would not trust it to give 72 hrs cover in rhino. MSD claims 72 hrs cover.