Alex Lewis [8:45 pm, 06/06/2022: No drugs used here - just a blindfold after being caught with a net-gun. It’s much better than all the drugs and darts, no doubt. In my opinion, net-gun caught animals have a natural calm that I would never have predicted – I even do pregnancy diagnosis on gemsbok and sable in this way - they hardly kick. Rob Jackson [8:52 pm, 06/06/2022] : Blindfolding and using earplugs on a standing gelding or an untrained wild horse makes the sedation far more effective, to the point that it is hard to tell whether the sedation has worn off or not. This can be dangerous when you take the blindfold off. Maybe a net works similarly to a thunder blanket for dogs. Alex Lewis [8:57 pm, 06/06/2022]: Its strange - eland bulls are slightly ataxic when walking after being caught with a net-gun They are very calm in trucks also. So some natural reaction that is doing something Jesse Steele [9:00 pm, 06/06/2022: Something about exhaustion and blindness makes them stop 😂 As a student I hand-caught a tsessebe that had been blindfolded after net boma capture and then managed to escape and run into the dam. It just gave up and lay down in the reeds - I walked up and grabbed it's horns. It was then loaded and transported safely. Alex Lewis [9:09 pm, 06/06/2022]: Not exhaustion if done right animals don't run far or fight. Jesse Steele [9:15 pm, 06/06/2022]: True, it’s not exhaustion - but some exertion followed by restraint and blindfolding. Which is why I mentioned that the tsessebe was transported and released safely - no true exhaustion. Liam Theuns Smit [9:19 pm, 06/06/2022]: I do believe we must stop using dart guns altogether. Many more animals have been killed by using drugs than nets and ropes. The animals being darted would not have died had they not been darted. The reality is that in a few months or a year we shall see the first buffalo bulls being net-gunned. Roan bulls do well under net gun also. This is a fact and many roan bulls have responded well. Giraffe net-gun is by far the best way to catch them. The reality is that chemical restraint is years behind - it is far more expensive and way too risky. David Pretorius [9:22 pm, 06/06/2022]: Just remember the operator safety is also important. 😉 I think your YouTube video will go viral and you may make more from it than the buffalo you netted... Alex Lewis [9:25 pm, 06/06/2022]: I have done buffalo cows - I will dig up the video which taken about 3 years ago. I have done hippo, and agree that giraffe capture using a net is great. Waterbuck bulls however are a serious undertaking if not wrapped nicely by net. Liam Theuns Smit [9:26 pm, 06/06/2022]: The gunner and the pilot do not have to worry about recovery. Willie has many videos that illustrate the superior ability of a net gun. The days of the wildlife veterinarian are numbered. There are more drugs in the hands of non-vet than vets. And then obviously there is the net-gun. Alex Lewis [9:28 pm, 06/06/2022]: Shooting narrow barrels with cluster nets to get between the trees still a challenge...I believe close to impossible on hornless beasts. Alex Lewis [9:31 pm, 06/06/2022]: I always keep net-gun with even if darting as it is a great tool to put them down on the road if darted, or to be used on any bull that is not going down easily. Luis Amaral [9:57 pm, 06/06/2022]: There always be a need for committed, dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled wildlife vet. Our farmers know and acknowledge that. Pierre Nel [9:57 pm, 06/06/2022]: I wonder if it simulates being caught by a predator and the body produces a super amount of endogenous endorphins to override the suffering and pain of sometimes being eaten alive (such as with wild dogs), but having similar effects to synthetic opioids🤷♂️ Alex Lewis [10:07 pm, 06/06/2022]: Must be something like this. HO Reuter [2:18 pm, 07/06/2022]: I guess in certain terrain and for certain species there is a place for net-gunning, which can be an awesome capture tool. (Its a pity Mike Ross never pitched at SAVA WG congress to present his talk). This will never replace chemical immobilisation though. A good recovery/ handling team is essential. A net-gun is a dangerous tool. I know of at least one chopper accident caused by net-gun, but suspect many more (much more so than with darting?) Andre Uys [2:21 pm, 07/06/2022]: I agree HO. Horses for courses. An experienced operator essential JW Eksteen [8:34 am, 09/06/2022]: I agree what Alex and Andre said. The net-gun is handy for specific jobs Pierre Nel [8:40 am, 07/06/2022]: Very interesting. I always viewed chemical immobilisation as extremely safe in general with very low mortality (if aspects such as temperature, terrain, hazards like water and cliffs, and not losing sight of the animal, good logistical support etc. are included into the planning). How does your mortality rate compare between darting and net-gunning (% wise)? Andreas Gaugler [8:45 am, 07/06/2022]: Agree Pierre and then I have seen a few good translocation guys being broken and lost.