2022/04/04, 17:37 - Jacques O'Dell: Anyone else seen similar abomasal ulcers in buffalo? 2022/04/04, 18:07 - Louis Greeff: Jacques I have seen similar lesions in two young breeding bulls over the years. These bulls were 6 to 7 years old and were introduced both in camps where two cow herds were combined. They struggle to get the cows together and the social stress between herds cant be handled by young bulls. They loose condition and then suddenly has melaena and die within a few days. I think I still have photos of the one. What is this bulls history? 2022/04/04, 18:17 - Jacques O'Dell: Thanks Louis. This is from a cow. The underlying lesion seems to be a severe vasculitis. So perhaps a viral cause. Lesions positive for LSD on PCR but negative on IMP. 2022/04/04, 18:18 - Jacques O'Dell: We will look at others like BVD-MD and BMCF. 2022/04/05, 12:28 - Heinz Kohrs: Yes. Typical Corridor Disease PM lesion of clean naive buffalo introduced into CD controlled areas.