2022/04/12, 19:33 - Fouche Swanepoel: Any ideas on what could have caused this? 2022/04/12, 19:42 - Danie Odendaal: Is it localised on the one side, or are there lesions on another place? 2022/04/12, 20:36 - Fouche Swanepoel: Danie, it is just on the right hand side on the neck and behind the legs. 2022/04/12, 20:49 - Jacques O'Dell: Sweating sickness? 2022/04/12, 20:52 - Johan Cronje:: 2022/04/12, 20:52 - Johan Cronje: looks a bit like this. 2022/04/12, 20:52 - Dries Lessing: Dermatophilus? 2022/04/12, 20:53 - Johan Cronje: Johan Steyl has a theory about this - Terramycin drug eruption can produce this. 2022/04/12, 20:54 - Johan Cronje: Are these symptoms before the animal was blocked for heartwater? 2022/04/12, 20:58 – Danie Odendaal: My first DD will also be sweating sickness and Dermatophilus. Sweating sickness mostly in calves under 12 months of age but there is a significant increase in the number of Dermatophilus cases reported by livestock veterinarians. 2022/04/12, 21:00 - Danie Odendaal: 2022/04/12, 21:01 - Danie Odendaal: 2022/04/12, 21:01 - Erik Verryne: That is not the typical Dermatophilus lesions. What about photosensitivity as eg with Lantana poisoning? 2022/04/12, 21:04 - Danie Odendaal: 2022/04/12, 21:06 - Ulf Tubessing: In small animal medicine I would think about toxic epidermal necrolysis, so called scalded skin syndrome. More common than diagnosed in SA and often associated with drug treatment and possible serious internal disease. Not sure about incidence in LA, but cant really see why not? 2022/04/12, 21:14 - Danie Odendaal: As veterinarians (trained by Ulf), such cases always compel us to obtain a Minimal Clinical Diagnostic Database to get to a diagnosis. 2022/04/12, 21:14 - Erik Verryne: This is the type of topline Dermatophilus lesion we see during the rainy season. 2022/04/12, 21:25 – Jesse Steele: Lesions do look like what you describe (scalded skin syndrome). Some of the darker skinned cattle I've seen with suspected lantana poisoning develop brittle skin- the ears in particular become very brittle. Would tetracycline treatment worsen the original toxic liver insult? 2022/04/13, 04:24 - Ulf Tubessing: I guess it would depend on the tetracycline used. Most are nephrotoxic (except doxycycline), but certainly can cause severe liver damage. TEN has been diagnosed in cattle 2022/04/13, 04:24 - Ulf Tubessing: