Nele Sabbe, [27 Aug 2022 Client has had springbok for more than 10 years, never problems. Now suddenly 3 with those symptoms and dead in a few hours... My first idea: heartwater. Any other possible causes? We are heartwater area... Andreas Gaugler, [27 Aug 2022 at 21:09:41]: Be careful of Pasteurella in Springbok Nele Henry Labuschagne, [27 Aug 2022 at 21:11:01]: My 3 top DD's are all heartwater! Erik Verrynne : Was it cold enough for Pasteurella ? I tend to agree with Henry. That severe lung oedema is commonly seen. But I suggest the usual brain smear. Henry Labuschagne, [27 Aug 2022 at 21:38:19]: I agree with Erik. Do a PM asap. If heartwater is confirmed or excluded, post photo's on the group. Liam Theuns Smit, [27 Aug 2022 at 23:52:26]: I have seen plenty of springbok in the Karoo with similar symptoms. Never did a pm. Must be honest, I haven't seen Heartwater in my part of the karoo. The springbuck that walked with sheep that received lick developed symptoms. The springbuck that walked with other game didn't. Only see this during the dry season. Nele Sabbe, [28 Aug 2022 at 08:22:31]: Clients don't want me to come out for a pm, as this is 'only' the 3d one. Andreas, it was a bit cold during the night last week, but not that extreme. Liam, I had the same thing a few years ago at another client. 4 animals like this. Never found anything on pm... Henry Labuschagne, [28 Aug 2022 at 08:48:29]: Then it is over to plan B. Let them bring an animal to you for a PM. How many animals left in the camp? How big is the camp? Are they used to eating game pellets ? Was there urea in the lick ? Did the dead springbuck bloat before dying ? Andreas Gaugler, [28 Aug 2022 at 09:05:52]: Problem is its all speculation and possibilities until the PM is done.. Henry Labuschagne, [28 Aug 2022 at 09:08:07]: Plan C: let the farmer send pictures of conjunctiva and look for petechiae. Open carcass and look for hydropericardium, petechiae on epicardium, hydrothorax and ascites Open rumen and see what contents look like. Look for redgut. Other obvious abnormalities. Erik Verrynne, [28 Aug 2022 at 09:23:08]: What about cardiac glycoside containing plants? Springbok usually avoid it but it is the poison season for us for livestock Nele Sabbe, [28 Aug 2022 at 09:49:48]: I tired already option C, but it seems 'clear detailed photos' are a different concept for me as for a lot of farmers... I also opted that but he says he doesn't have. The fact that it is only springbok that are affected and none of the other wildlife species or his cattle, also points towards heartwater.