[14:32, 04/05/2022] Greg Simpson: Hi. Has anyone got a porcupine anaesthesia protocol handy? Cheers [14:36, 04/05/2022] Bossie Boshoff : I did one with medetomidine/ketamine combination - I used 0,02mg/kg medetomidine and 3mg/kg ketamine. When scuffing the porcupine to get it out the trap cage after it seemed knocked out, it had a sort of reflex, making sounds and lifting the quills. The animal was out though, and only came to and walked off after giving atipamezole. I have literally only have done one. [14:38, 04/05/2022] Elmien Kotze : Contact Johannesburg Wildlife Centre : 071 248 1514 I have used a magic kitty combination of medetomidine/ketamine/butorphanol - cat dose/kg [14:44, 04/05/2022] Rob Jackson : Beware of skin tears [14:46, 04/05/2022] Gareth : I have used 0.04mg/kg medetomidine and 4mg/kg ketamine with good effect. They can also be induced in a chamber with isoflurane if available, as they can be difficult to inject. They can stress a bit though. These were captive porcupines. [15:23, 04/05/2022] Greg Simpson: Thanks all for responses!!