[12:13, 25/04/2022] Mathew Mutinda Ndunda: Hi. Anyone who has dealt with this kind of penile growth in a horse or zebra? Would appreciate advice. [12:17, 25/04/2022] +27 82 587 7607: @+27 79 889 2589 - Dr Henirich Volkgraaf? [12:28, 25/04/2022] Mathew Mutinda Ndunda: Good will contact you. It’s possible we shorten the penis (musculo-cavernous tissue) hence get rid of growth in a wild animal in the bush? [12:54, 25/04/2022] Rob Jackson : It’s hard to see what it is, DD’s that I have seen would include warts, squamous cell carcinomas, Habronema infection lesion, tick damage. Sarcoid and other tumours possible. Histopathology would be good. Then surgery/treatment depending on result.