Annie Mears, [06 Aug 2022 at 07:42:57]: Can anyone give me the alprazolam dosage for oral tranquilisation of leopards on bait Andy I’m not sure if it was you at the conference or Adrian who had been using it successfully? Also duration of action? Andy Fraser, [06 Aug 2022 at 07:52:01]: You can go up to 0.5mg/kg if you intend to dart with BMK after. (Obviously take it into account if you intend to use Zolazepam /Zoletil in your dart). It's duration is supposed to be 12hrs and takes a good hour for effect. Annie Mears, [06 Aug 2022 at 07:54:18]: Ok wonderful. I would normally dart leopards with medetomidine and Zoletil but the owners have had specific issues regarding deaths of animals from tranquillisers and I do think an oral alprazolam would be their safest option, so if a BMK dart is then easiest and safest I’ll do that. Are there any studies about it’s long term use - no known risks of liver necrosis (like diazepam) if used for several days in a boma situation? Roy Bengis, [07 Aug 2022 at 17:14:09]: Annie, in Kruger where we occasionally had to cage trap and remove problem leopards, I always spiked the carcass bait with 6 -8 X 15 mg Dormicum (midazolam) tablets, because we found that the trapped leopards usually consumed the bait. After 1 - 2 hours these leopards were very tractable and could then be darted with minimum fuss with reduced doses of Zoletil.