Gareth Hunter : (22 August 2022) Hi guys. I will try and rule out vitamin deficiencies/ingestion of toxins/infection and plan to do a full work up, but has anybody experienced these symptoms in a young owl/another avian species before? 3 week old Cape Eagle owl. Seems to develop opisthotonos when stimulated (especially if prompted to look above its head). Snaps out of it fairly quickly. In between episodes seems fairly normal. Eating well and growing (although not as well as another chick of same age). Trauma probably first DD? So will try and scrutinise radiographs. Could epilepsy present like this? Couldn’t find too much wrong with very basic neurological exam. Ockert Botha, [23 Aug 2022 at 05:47:32]: Pigeons babies develop same type of symptoms when contracting PMV1. May possibly be the new Pakistani strain. Are there signs of polyuria? - also seen with PMV1 Dimetridazole toxicity and B1 deficiencies are D/Ds. Henry Labuschagne, [23 Aug 2022 at 07:37:04]: Pigeons with PMV1 that I have seen typically had an ocular discharge, green diarrhoea and twisted neck. It would not be high on my dd list in this case. Other DD' s to keep in mind would be hypoglycaemia and hypocalcaemia. Otitis media would be on my DD list as well Ockert Botha, [23 Aug 2022 at 21:07:45]: Image: Pathogens | Free Full-Text | Occurrence and Role of Selected RNA ... Found on Google from Ockert Botha, [23 Aug 2022 at 21:07:45]: Ockert Botha, [23 Aug 2022 at 21:18:10]: PMV1 in pigeons presents primarily as polyuria with clear urine with formed faecal segments see picture a. Ataxia is a mainstay symptom. They often cannot peck at grain and when threatened tend to fall around. When frank green diarrhoea is seen it is mostly Circovirus known as Young Bird Disease that is involved. See picture b. Respiratory symptoms is seldom seen with PMV1 . Respiratory symptoms are seen with Chlamydophilla and or Mycoplasma. Torticollis and green diarrhoea is more typical of Salmonella with torticollis and moon gazing often seen. In the early 1990s we saw typical torticollis and star gazing with PMV1 but with the new strains and innate immunity, ataxia is more specific. See the typical spacial disorientation