Gernot Redeker, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:22:03]: Good evening. Any advice on how to keep a rhino inside a game camp. She is breaking through the game fence as if there is no fence at all. Will 100mg perphenazine help? It is a 1500ha camp. Thanks HO Reuter, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:32:22]: Is it a mature bull? Perphenazine might help, but not a guarantee. Once she has learned that the fence is easy to break through, she might just keep moving out. Probably not an immediate option, (due to permit constraints) but releasing into a bigger, stronger fenced enclosure, or boma for a while might change her behavior. Gernot Redeker, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:33:57]: It is a mature cow that was moved from SA to Namibia 1 month ago. It is one of 7 animals that started to do this about a week ago .... Dickson Wambura, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:41:39]: Which spp. (black or white)? Gernot Redeker, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:42:04]: Sorry, white Dickson Wambura, [26 Sep 2023 at 21:47:26]: As HO said, increase the size of the enclosure with strong poles of fence. Make sure the enclosure has enough feed as well as enough space. Keep in mind when you confine white rhino in a small spaced boma they can refuse taking food, and add a number of water points. Erik Verrynne, [26 Sep 2023 at 22:53:21]: Once they learn breaking fences, it becomes difficult to change. Maybe adding markers to the fence to increased visibility? If it is the same section of the fence, I would consider a 2 x 8mm strands of cable at 1m and 30cm above the ground to strengthen it. Gernot Redeker, [26 Sep 2023 at 22:54:10]: Thanks everyone