Dr Usman, [21 Dec 2023 at 14:15:12]: Good evening, has anyone experience of Asian Palm civet, we have one, rescued from a circus by animal welfare/wildlife team raid. She was probably caged for long time. Clinically she is good, no disease signs seen, active, alert, eating well. Should we release her back to the wild (will she be able to survive?) or should we rehab her? Chris Perkins, [21 Dec 2023 at 17:15:08]: If it is native to the area. I would probably ask the local rehabilitation centres their opinions. If there are none available, I would release sooner rather than later. I have seen other species deteriorate rapidly in captivity. You could give it a dewormer to help mitigate some stresses on the body. And a rabies vaccine for good measure HO Reuter, [21 Dec 2023 at 20:43:58]: If she was caged long ago and kept in captivity since, and alone without contact with other civets, I would be reluctant to just release in the wild and hope for the best. Rather release in a spacious “boma” in the Park, possibly with other civets (if that is an option and possibility) and then release from the boma in future only.