[2022/03/23, 05:34:27] Will Fowlds: Anyone with previous experience of this condition in rhino ? [2022/03/23, 05:48:21] Alex Lewis: Great video, I had a cow with similar but would swing out laterally more when moving leg forward. The stifle was stiff on examination, leg stayed like that for two years before was poached, too rotten to check soft tissue properly but bone was perfect. [2022/03/23, 05:48:41] Brendan Tindall: That looks very suspicious for a locked stifle with upward fixation of the patella. I have never seen it in rhino though. [2022/03/23, 06:22:03] Albertus Coetzee: Will, yes I have seen it in some of the orphans as well. One specific animal had a septic arthritis of stifle on PM. 2 other cases showed upward patella fixation which improved with exercise. I used the same principles as in horses by letting them walk uphill to grazing camp. The latest case was a newborn, also with low grade septic arthritis initially. Improved after management of arthritis and walking regularly. [2022/03/23, 06:48:31] Pierre Bester: Morning we had a few cases of stringhalt where youngsters in a group had poor condition. Separating and feeding sorted the problem [2022/03/23, 06:56:37] Ulf Tubessing: I have also seen patella fixation in a couple of rhino. All were on heavy lucerne supplementation and even severe ones seemed to recover spontaneously (often after a few months) [2022/03/23, 09:09:43] Johan Marais: Hi Will, upward fixation of patella. Think Pete Morkel had one in Serengeti. I would leave for a couple of days, if not correcting itself, treat like we do in horses. 2022/03/23, 12:27:49] Marie-Pierre Ryser: He seems to have a ring around his right hind ankle [2022/03/23, 12:31:10] Marius: Tracking collar [2022/03/23, 12:31:29] Marie-Pierre Ryser: ok thanks [2022/03/23, 12:37:21] Will Fowlds: Thanks for all the advice. Agree on diagnosis and the good news is it spontaneously resolved itself. 💪