Annie Mears, [22 Jun 2023 at 14:19:16]: Does anyone know where I can test for macrocyclic lactones and anti-babesials? Our normal toxicology places are coming up dry? Older male lion, one of four captive animals, sudden onset of ataxia, confusion and high-stepping getting worse over 6 hours. Eaten beef last two days, from well-known source who swears it is clean meat. I have treated for ivermectin toxicity, low Vitamin B etc. I would like to test stomach contents to find out what has contaminated the food. Bart Gazendam, [22 Jun 2023 at 17:36:54]: What do the pupils look like? Annie Mears, Like this : Henry Labuschagne, [23 Jun 2023 at 04:47:10]: On this photo the pupils are not dilated. With macrocyclic lactone poisoning, I typically see dilated unresponsive pupils and horizontal nystagmus. Were they fed a whole carcass? Is this male dominant? If the whole carcass was fed or intestines including rumen, I would put PEM high on my DD list. Ryan Jeffery, [23 Jun 2023 at 06:13:54]: Sorry, stupid question. What's PEM in carnivores? Henry Labuschagne, [23 Jun 2023 at 07:04:31]: Polioencephalomalacia Annie Mears, [23 Jun 2023 at 07:24:36]: Thanks. Each lion was fed a quarter of a carcass - in his case a back leg and no guts. They are separated for feeding and given a good dose of Panthera powder with each non-game meal. He is 100% better this morning after multivitamins, steroids, penicillin, fluids and intralipid. We have sent off for toxin testing. What would be the treatment for PEM? Is there any way we can test for PEM? Henry Labuschagne, [23 Jun 2023 at 07:52:49]: I get good results with Vit B1 inj. and Anima Strath supplement. Lion tested positive for ivermectin even without all the classical signs Annie Mears, Lions tested positive even without all the classical signs. Henry Labuschagne, [30 Jun 2023 at 15:11:22]: That is a low level that should not cause poisoning . Could you test for MDR1 mutation ? How is he doing after Rx ?