Jacques ODell, [22 Nov 2023 at 15:58:12]: Hi colleagues. Does anyone have any combinations of immobilising drugs with short induction for warthog? Rob, did you use 0.4mg/kg ketamine, or 4 mg/kg? I assume the latter. Neil Parsons, [22 Nov 2023 at 16:12:48]: Thianil, medetomidine with azaperone and/or midazolam has worked very well for us on good number of warthogs. Down times are quick, usually standing still within 30 seconds to 1 minute and then down shortly after that. I can look for those doses if you want to try Thianil combinations. Rob Jackson, [22 Nov 2023 at 17:22:02]: Yup, the higher dose, I will definitely use opioid mix in the future, it worked well when I have used it previously Henry Labuschagne, [22 Nov 2023 at 17:48:29]: For 35kg warthog: Thianil 1mg + medetomidine 1 mg + midazolam 5 mg + azaperone 10 mg. Neil Parsons, [22 Nov 2023 at 18:09:53]: For most warthogs up to about 40kg, we use Thianil 0.5 mg + medetomidine 1mg + azaperone 5 mg. I like to add 5 midazolam if I have it available. Erik Verrynne, [22 Nov 2023 at 18:11:49]: I have done more than 100 with Thianil/azaperone combination. 1-3mg Thianil and 10 - 30 mg azaperone, depending on size. Reverse quickly, as they go into severe respiratory depression. HO Reuter, [22 Nov 2023 at 20:15:21]: I have used ketamine or Zoletil and medetomidine in warthog (50kg) 1-1.5 mg medetomidine + 75 mg Zoletil. It provides good stable anaesthesia, but with Zoletil they take long to recover fully. I can imagine BAM working well on them. Jacs Mostert, [22 Nov 2023 at 21:22:20]: We have had good results with average doses for adult warthog of etorphine 3 mg + butorphanol 1 mg + azaperone 30mg Henry Labuschagne, [22 Nov 2023 at 23:03:59]: Works OK. BAM 0.1 ml per 10kg. I also add ketamine 2mg/kg. Zoe Glyphis, 25 Nov 2023 Saturday afternoon warthog. I used Thianil 3 mg + azaperone 20 mg, but still went a good 80-100 m before stopping but substantially quicker than my preferred BAMK combo. If you don't find a warthog darted with opioid, I'm pretty sure it will die. I have darted and not recovered warthog with BAMK and they reappear at feeding sites a day or 2 later (sometimes with the dart still in them), so it's much safer, but the downtime is an issue. Have a great weekend all! Neil Parsons, 25 Nov 2023 This is a Thianil/medetomidine combination about 20 minutes after darting. It’s not that easy to see in this video, but these warthogs are very relaxed, breathing well and not too deep. I’m sure their oxygen demand is lower than the warthogs done with Thianil only, so I think this is safer. I lost a big sow for more than 40 minutes after darting and expected the worst. When we found her, she was fairly deep, but still breathing regularly and made a quick recovery after reversal. Just to clarify, this is a Thianil/medetomidine/azaperone/ midazolam combination, not just Thianil and medetomidine. Louis Greeff, [25 Nov 2023 at 19:36:02]: What dosages do you work on? Neil Parsons, [25 Nov 2023 at 19:38:46]: This warthog was done with these doses I posted earlier. For the biggest warthogs (I would guess up to about 80kg?) I have used Thianil 1 mg + medetomidine 1-2 mg + azaperone 5-10 mg + midazolam 5 mg. Louis Greeff, [25 Nov 2023 at 19:42:47]: Thanks Neil