[2022/02/17, 16:09:42] Mike Thorne: Just on a civi wildlife course and been asked to comment on a veterinary text book saying the hair loss around old buffalo bulls faces is due to sarcoptic mange. Is this True or False? I said unlikely, but take skin scrape. Can do blood workup for antibodies in sheep in UK, but not sure in bovines. We see chorioptic mange commonly around tail heads in housed dairy cows. Thanks in advance [2022/02/17, 16:58:01] Pierre Nel: More likely Psoroptes pienaari during environmental stress - this is usually end of winter, the very old and very young animals often display hair loss. Its self-limiting as conditions improve in summer. [2022/02/17, 18:45:33] Mike Thorne: Much obliged Pierre [2022/02/17, 18:55:46] Roy Bengis: Hi Mike, Sarcoptes, Psoroptes and Demodex have been reported in free-ranging buffalo. Demodex usually cause nodular lesions in young animals, Sarcoptes generally causes crusty lesions on the head, ears and neck, whereas Psoroptes can occur in all age classes causing alopecia and pruritis during stressful periods. These three ectoparasites cycle naturally in free-ranging herds, and rarely have any population impact. [2022/02/17, 19:02:21] Mike Thorne: Cheers for that Roy