[2022/02/27, 05:50:27] Johan Steyl: [2022/02/27, 05:51:44] Johan Steyl: DDs please. More than one animal is affected, all 3 to 5yrs old. [2022/02/27, 07:00:55] Andre Uys: EEHV, Habronema granuloma, are these wild or captive elephants? [2022/02/27, 07:28:18] Rob Jackson: https://www.fao.org/3/ae943e/ae943e0b.htm [2022/02/27, 07:29:08] Rob Jackson: What about Warts? I had one just drop off after 6 months in a 3y old. See the document from the FAO [2022/02/27, 07:33:00] Douw Grobler: [2022/02/27, 07:34:35] Douw Grobler: The structure look very similar to what we removed at the Western Cape workshop....hope the histopathology reveals its true identity. [2022/02/27, 10:08:21] Ockert Botha: Did you do any impression smears of the lesions? Almost looks like round cell tumours in young dogs. Histiocytoma?? If so they will regress spontaneously. Why in one herd? It is an immunological response to certain pathogens or allergens? [2022/02/27, 10:10:07] Ockert Botha: If Histiocytoma, possibly some inciting agent in the area. All in young animals, so possibly fits in. [2022/02/27, 10:18:12] Andreas Gaugler: Perhaps also a fungal infection involved like one sometimes finds in the nasal region in horses? I once removed a huge lump in the nasal opening of a horse which on histopathology turned out to be of fungal origin? [2022/02/27, 10:54:33] Douw Grobler: No Ockert. We took histopathology for Johan Steyl [2022/02/27, 10:55:25] Roy Bengis: I saw several of these lesions in young elephant in the KNP, some of which later became ulcerated. Histopathology confirmed elephant herpes virus infection with intranuclear inclusion bodies. [2022/02/27, 11:52:36] Johan Steyl: Hamish Currie put me onto polyoma virus as cause for the trunk nodules. [2022/02/28, 08:21:07 Rob Jackson: Is anyone testing for EEHV in Southern Africa? [2022/02/28, 09:15:51] Roy Bengis: Hi Rob, I think the histopathology picture is quite diagnostic. Johan Steyl may want to comment. [2022/02/28, 09:19:12] Simone Herzog: Yes, in SA. I have to dig for the contact. I will let know when found. [2022/02/28, 09:35:08] Johan Steyl: I think NZG may have a PCR. With regard to histopathology specificity - if the tissue sample is from the nodular mass the histopathology is specific, especially when nuclear inclusions are present. The nodular mass with EEHV is an inverted papilloma, which is different from polyoma virus associated fibromas. With systemic EEHV infection, the virus being endotheliotropic, causes vascular injury. If one is lucky inclusions can also be seen in endothelial cell nuclei. [2022/02/28, 10:01:07] Angela Daly: You can also try Michele Miller [2022/02/28, 10:07:52] Rob Jackson: Tx, somebody wants screening tests [2022/02/28, 10:27:33] Johan Steyl: Rob. I have since the last post enquired about EEHV availability at the NZG and have been informed that they no longer offer any diagnostic services. [2022/02/28, 10:55:25] Rob Jackson: Thank you so much Angus Campbell :