[2022/02/05, 17:28:12] Will Fowlds [2022/02/05, 17:28:48] Will Fowlds: 12 year old male elephant showing sudden onset of ear damage. Would this be war trauma or are there other reasons ? [2022/02/05, 17:29:09] Will Fowlds: Looks a bit older to me [2022/02/05, 17:37:12] Erik Verrynne: Table 1 Male elephant age classes Class Foot length (cm) Height (cm) Age (yrs) Description Class 1 36.00-? 204- 228 10-15 Male head shape more noticeable; tusk circumference and shoulder height greater than females of the same age, but tusks are still thin and relatively straight Class 2 ?- 41.9 229- 243 16- 20 At about 17yrs males reach same height as largest adult female over 40yrs, forehead becomes more roundish Class 3 42.0- 45.9 244- 275 21-25 Taller than most females, head much rounder than females, but still slender and narrow compared to older males, first indication of the hourglass shape Class 4 46.0- 49.9 276- 296 26- 35 Head shape changes to an hourglass shape. Head breadth and height increases with age Class 5 50.0- 53.9 >297 36+ Very big, tower over largest female by three feet or more at shoulder, head very large compared to body size, thick neck, tusk circumference at lip strikingly greater than younger males and all females, thick trunk on the base 10-15 16-20 21-25 26-35 35+ [2022/02/05, 17:37:53] Erik Verrynne: This may be a little bit older but not more than 15 years I would think. I think that is trauma related. I attach age determination that I use for bulls and with courtesy of Elephants for Africa [2022/02/05, 19:55:16] Jacques ODell: I agree, Will. I have seen a similar lesion in a bull. Cause: HBC or more precise Hit By Ambulance. [2022/02/05, 19:56:15] Jacques ODell: If they lie badly on an ear during immobilisation I suspect you may end with a similar lesion.