[08:32, 10/05/2022] Christiaan : Hi all, I have a client who has been struggling with his eland for the last couple of years. The farm is close to Sedgefield in the Southern Cape. Juvenile animals appear stunted and start doing poorly around a year of age, often dying (60% mortality). Not a lot of symptoms recorded by the client. The herd has been a closed herd and mainly graze on fynbos and grass. Little supplemental feed given during the winter months. I will be performing a PM on the latest case today (poor doer that the client decided to cull). Is there anything in particular that I can look for? Anything eland tend to struggle with, especially in this area? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks [08:39, 10/05/2022] Keith: Please have a look for potential damage to the udders/teats of the dams from ticks. There are big problem in some areas in the EC [08:50, 10/05/2022] Willem Burger: Agree with Keith. This area is a ticks paradise. Eland does not survive here unless dipped at least twice a year. Also Cu Mn Se deficiencies [08:51, 10/05/2022] Elmien Kotze: Eland do not do particularly well with the fynbos areas. The grass is also not very nutritious for them either. The biggest problem is environmental mismatch. Because of that internal and external parasites are a problem - also tick borne diseases such as theileriosis and anaplasmosis If the eland cows came from eastern Cape, they usually have severely damaged teats - but you would have seen calves that have died sooner. The client will have to supplement all year round and also with roughage – ie. have access to pastures. [10:05, 10/05/2022] Christiaan : Thank you. Theileriosis has been confirmed on blood smear. Nutrition also likely to play a role. The owner is busy installing Duncan applicators and will address supplementary feeding. Is there a treatment protocol for future cases? What would be a good dip option in this case? [11:24, 10/05/2022 Elmien Kotze: Deadline, Redline, most of the pour-on for cattle will work - depends on what other species there is. If zebras are present as well, then avoid the ones not suited for horses [12:35, 10/05/2022] Morgan de Wit : Eliminate or Redline [12:43, 10/05/2022] Henry Labuschagne : If there are no zebra in the camp I would use Delete All as my first choice. [17:32, 11/05/2022] Ockert Botha: Hi Christiaan Our Saddlebred stud runs on Sedgefield pasture. Apparently micro element nutrition deficiency is a major concern. Multimin Plus injections apparently work best. Per os absorption not very effective. Also check for coccidiosis - this is very common in winter in the southern Cape, particularly in the rainy areas. If the faecal flotation shows more than 2 plus, consider using Vetscripts Toltrazuril paste mixed with food. [17:34, 11/05/2022] Ockert Botha: Also try Fipronil darts, provided by Motsumi