Louis Greeff, [18 Jul 2022 at 07:01:43]: Morning everyone. I moved a number of white rhino bulls this last week, and played around with water-based perphenazine (perphenazine hydrochloride). I started with 100 mg IM and 20 mg IV. The rhino were not that calm initially, but were later really sedated in the crate. Then I went up to 100 mg IM and 50 mg IV. They were too sedated - 1 animal lay down and slept for 4 hours up to where we offloaded it. Liam Theuns Smit, [18 Jul 2022 at 07:14:14]: Did they lie in the crate? Did they stand easily if they were stimulated? Louis Greeff, [18 Jul 2022 at 07:14:21]: Eventually I used 70 mg IM and 40 mg IV - this worked perfectly. Much better than the conventional Acuphase. All the bulls were darted with 5 mg M99 and 20 mg azaperone mixed with 2000 iu Hyalase.