HO Reuter, [10 Jun 2024 at 18:03:04]: Is there any wisdom / recommendation/ advice in treatment of suspected rectal / cloacal/ hemipenes prolapse in an estimated 3m long crocodile with raw meaty prolapse / swelling at anus/ cloaca? This was already present 2 weeks ago. It is still eating well, in very small enclosure but not moving much (this has been the case for years due to limited space in 10x 5 m enclosure of which 40% is water). Gareth Hunter, [10 June 2024] Hi H.O. I unfortunately don’t have any advice, but just thought I’d mention, crocs don’t have hemipenes. They have 1 penis, and a very weird looking one at that. It may be useful to rule out whether the penis is involved . HO Reuter, [10 Jun 2024 at 19:56:58 (10 Jun 2024 at 20:44:35)]: I obviously missed the croc anatomy lecture at OP (amongst the many other missed lectures). Another stupid question. Do they get erections and would penis protrusion potentially look like a prolapse?? Since he or she spends lots of time in water or lying flat clients cannot observe all the time. They have seen the “prolapse” around 2 weeks ago and again afterwards. But they do not know if it’s permanently “prolapsed”. I’m now wondering if it is maybe just a horny male croc?? Before rushing out to amputate or clean abrasions and push back and try to keep in place with purse-string suture, I will probably try to get a better history and observation info. I often believed when in doubt, cut it out. In this case I’ll opt for rather do nothing, than get bitten... Gareth Hunter, [10 Jun 2024 at 20:08:14]: Shit H-O, I’m not sure. I would imagine they would need to get an erection to achieve copulation. But would be surprised if they got them “sommerso”. I will try and look for some literature. Jullia B, [11 Jun 2024 at 01:10:46]: Hi H.O.! Prolapse penis is usually a sign of a pelvic issue or disease (urodeum/cloaca, reproductive, metabolic etc) I dont think it is normal but I am not 100% sure about crocodilians. In other reptiles, it has been always related to another condition or disease