Gareth Hunter, [15 Sep 2023 at 12:17:09]: This may be a bit of a stupid question: Ivomec gold has a concentration of 3.15% whereas most other injectable ivermectin products are 1%. Both registered for dosing at 1ml/50 kg in cattle. It looks to me that the higher concentration in Gold has been formulated to give a longer duration of action. I’m wondering if the animal is still exposed to a higher dose (more than 3 times the dose) or if this somehow is equivalent to 1% over a longer time. I’m just wondering because I’ve used both products in other taxa like birds and have used a concentration of 31.5mg/ml with the Gold when working out volumes. Am now wondering if that may be an under-dosage. Any thoughts on this? Thanks a mil. Maybe duration of action is the wrong word. But it results in a more persistent effect. Henry Labuschagne, [15 Sep 2023 at 12:45:49]: Meat and milk WT for Ivomec is 35 days and for Ivomec Gold 105 days. I suppose there is a carrier in Gold that releases ivermectin over a longer period otherwise you can just use 1% ivomec @ 3.15 x to get a longer action? Henry Labuschagne, [16 Sep 2023 at 10:43:11]: Gareth. I think it works on the same principle as eg Terramycin . If you inject Terramycin 100 @ 2x dose ( the concentration of Terramycin LA), you will not get the LA effect of Terramycin LA.