Ulf Tubessing, [24 Jul 2023 at 16:59:36]: Good day everybody I need advice. On a private game reserve in Namibia, both catfish and crocodiles are dying in large numbers in 3 separate dams. The water seems normal but levels are low and additional water is pumped in from boreholes. The dams are about 6 km apart and none are receiving water from the same borehole. The crocodiles are apparently in poor condition and catfish have a "strange red discolouration". I have not had a chance to visit the reserve but will do a PM on one of the crocodiles this evening. Any bright ideas and suggestions? Kind regards Ulf Photo of catfish mortalities associated with crocodile mortalities Henry Labuschagne, [24 Jul 2023 at 18:09:50]: NB DD: pansteatitis. Speak to David Huchzermeyer Ulf Tubessing, [24 Jul 2023 at 18:18:34]: Thanks Henry! Pansteatitis is certainly possible but there has been no supplemental feeding of fish nor crocodiles Roy Bengis, [24 Jul 2023 at 18:43:12]: Pansteatitis in Kruger crocodiles was related to heavy pollution of the Olifants river from urban, agricultural, mining and forestry This pollution resulted in depletion of anti-oxidants which affected bottom-feeding fish and then crocodiles (top of that food chain). This is how I understand the epidemiology of that mass mortality event. David Huchzermeyer was key investigator. Ulf Tubessing, [25 Jul 2023 at 07:19:53]: No pollution of the dams. Bilateral haemorrhagic effusion in the chest Roy Bengis, [25 Jul 2023 at 07:59:45]: Ulf, with pansteatitis, the fat becomes saponified and takes on an ochre colour, easily visible in abdominal fat and cross-sections of the upper tail. Ulf Tubessing, [25 Jul 2023 at 08:11:45]: The fat is soft, pale and whitish Roy Bengis, [25 Jul 2023 at 09:55:58]: Then probably not pansteatitis. Chris Perkins, [25 Jul 2023 at 10:51:54]: The redness on the fish just looks like autolysis [Moderator : See attached NRF newsletter with an article by David Huchzermeyer and Tony Swemmer below wrt the S African scenario. The original article was published in the Journal of the South African Veterinary Association]