Nel-mari Wium, [19 Apr 2023 at 10:03:06]: Morning. Some advice would be appreciated. I have a client that requested that we castrated a zebra stallion - they don't want the herd to get bigger. In donkeys, I ligate as well, but in horses I don't - so do I ligate in zebra as well? We usually give post-operative antibiotics to horses and donkeys, so will Draxxin or Excede be the better one? We won't get to the stallion daily to administer daily antibiotics. Thanks Henry Labuschagne, [19 Apr 2023 at 10:04:57]: You will have one bite at the cherry. Ligate and administer Excede. Ample Stockholm tar on and around wound. Also inject Dectomax to prevent maggot infestation Alex Lewis, [19 Apr 2023 at 11:59:29]: Castration of zebra is dodgy on many fronts I have castrated zebra with equine emasculators (clamp at least 2 minutes, if I recall), and given a long-acting antibiotic, NSAID, and tetanus vaccine. I have not had an issue, but have only done two. Ligation using a suture for zebra stallions is really difficult – the cord is huge, and doesn't exteriorise well. Although perhaps you could combine ligation with the emasculators when they are on. Bart Gazendam, [20 Apr 2023 at 09:08:08]: Just out of interest: can you give the zebra stallion Improvac to solve this problem? Maaike de Schepper, [20 Apr 2023 at 09:14:49]: Hi Bart, I know they’ve used Improvac in wild stallions in America to do population control, there’s quite a few studies available. It does work on horses, so you probably can extrapolate it to zebra. Not sure if anyone has used it on zebra?